Chelsea Johnson
Drill Review:
Los Gatos All Comers 15-6 jump
AJ Smokes 15-3 at A’dero HS
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On a cool evening with light swirling winds. 36’6 mid, 15’6 180 carbon
Chelsea Johnson trying 15-6 at Cuesta open
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Chelsea is gripping 14ft on a 14-6 170 jumping from 8 lefts.
AJ Teunissen Atascadero HS 15-6
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Jumping from 7 lefts gripping approximately 14ft on a 15-6 185. AJ easily smokes 15-6 on a perfect day at Cuesta
Silke Spiegelburg 4.50 m
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The Germans have a great facility in Leverkusen and many fine jumpers and coaches. Silkie has a great out step and jumps high with our bending the pole a great deal. Nice!
Chelsea Johnson 15'3"
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Running well and starting to look good!
M Erickson 16-9 Ill state champ
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Gripping 14’3 on a 15’ 175 from 7 lefts
Jenn Stuzinski, 15-10 New American Record
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Great plant and swing, awesome jump under less than ideal conditions!
Chelsea J NCAA RECORD May 2007
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On this day Chelsea was running great. Here she is jumping on a 14'6 170, gripping about 14'2 for a 18" push-off efficency. Her mid mark was 37'4". She does a great job of keeping her feet over her hands for the pull and turn. Nice! Chelsea and I may be the only father- daughter US college record holders!
Chelsea Johnson Interview
Drill Review:
Chelsea Johnson Interview
Chelsea Johnson 14'10 at Pac 10's
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When your kid is jumping like this it cool, and fun! Nice!.
Hartwig 19’9 at Eugene June 1999
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Actually Jeff had a nice jump at 20’ on this day! Great technique, running incredible fast down the runway, and the perfect short swing leg to tuck and shoot timing.
Tim Mack New Olympic Record 19'61/2"
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Tim had done a lot of adjusting to make his technique better over the past several years. It all came together in 2004. Congratulations!
Kasey B at 17'8
Drill Review:
In HS Kasey gripped the pole at approximately 15', and had a PR of 15'4, for a push-off to top hand efficiency of only 4".
We lowered his grip and got him to jump with less bend in the pole so that he could swing and invert better for a larger push-off. His progress in the past year has been tremendous.
Here he attempts 17'8 bungee, showing a slight blow thru, from seven lefts. He has been over 17' several times recently gripping approximately 14'6 to 14'9 on a 16' 175. In particular, I like the way he is now starting to keep his feet at the one o'clock position while pulling him self up and delaying his turn at the same time.
Nice job Kasey!
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Kate at 13'1
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Kate weighs 115 pounds and jumps on a 14' 140 Here she clears 13'1 by a wide margin, Gripping approximately 13'3. Here mid mark was approximately 35'.

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Kasey B at 17'4
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Kasey is 5'11- 175 jumping on a 16' 195 with a 40 mid. His best in HS was 15'3. Here he is vaulting on a 16' 200, gripping approximately 14'10. Currently he is working on staying closer to the pole as he finished his pull and turn.
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